
Useful information


The Gavroche Association launched a campaign in support of the Shelter for Homeless Children. As of 2015 the reduced state support of the Shelter has made it impossible to cover all running costs for food, hygiene products, school supplies, medicines. Therefore, we make our earnest appeal for help to citizens.

Donations are accepted at any time of year and day. Most needed are:

Durable packaged foods such as:
pastes or spreads, canned food (beans, cabbage or vie stuffed leaves, etc.).
pastries and biscuits
sugar, salt, oil, vinegar
butter or margarine
Packaged cheese
Packaged sausages

Hygiene products such as:

     washing powder
     cleaning agents (Domestos, Bleach, Kislol)
     toilet paper
     kitchen roll
     sanitary napkins
     shaving razors
     shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste and toothbrushes
    dishwasher detergents (tablets)

     school supplies (colored and gray pencils, marker pens, etc.).
     fuel vouchers
We accept all that you would considert useful for the children's daily needs.
Any support is valuable!
We have already received the first donation and we are most grateful!
