
Useful information

Training for citizens involved as volunteers

     On Sunday, 12th May 2024, we held a one-day training for citizens involved as volunteers in our initiative “More active and less vulnerable” – part of the TOGETHER Fund. Among the volunteers there took part high-school graduates – students-to-be, specialists in various fields and representatives of business, which made the team-work quite interesting and challenging. The main topics for discussion in the first part of the training were: legal rights, values in EU, disinformation and how to communicate with people in various potentially vulnerable situations.

     We discussed how important it is to carry out information campaigns and trainings in different civil groups concerning human rights. The participants emphasised the reason for this – civil citizens don’t often talk about this. 

     In the afternoon we looked up in detail the types of social services and the needs of the vulnerable people they concern. Participants’ attention was drawn to the hardships vulnerable people encounter when defending their own rights. Those who took part in other initiatives of our Association before, shared their impressions and what they learnt. They made a conclusion about how useful it  is to involve citizens in the work with users.

     At the end of the day we reviewed the planned activities for the coming months and when exactly the volunteers will be able to take part.

     For sure it was a very productive day and we are really grateful for the participants’ ardent activity. 

     The “More active and less vulnerable” initiative is implemented as part of the project “Rights and values” and is funded by the European Union and the Foundation “Workshop for civic initiatives”.