
Project: Daily centre ‘Gavroche’ for work with street children

Project: Daily centre ‘Gavroche’ for work with street children
Purpose: Socialization and integration of children and young people at risk from the city of Varna
Results:  ‘Gavroche’ Association organized and conducted an educational and professional course through which :
•    It managed to send 49 children back to school /with the help of  school authorities/;
•    The children and young people who attended the daily centre passed a functional modular education
•    For the period discussed,  a total of 110 children and youngsters have attended the Daily Centre where they were given food, medical service and clothing.
•    Complete illiteracy of 20 street children at the age of 12 has been overcome.
•    20 young people of Roma origin became familiar with their human rights and means to counteract in cases of sexual violence and abuse.
•    A complete cycle of assistance has been achieved resulting in the social integration of 5 youths at the age of 16 and 21. 
•    Socialization of 100 homeless children was achieved through their involvement in cultural and sport activities and celebrations. 

Project costs: 592 641 levs.
Duration: October 2004 – September 2007
Project donors: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

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